• Poland Syndrome


A 21-year-old plastic surgery patient from Miami presented to our office for a consultation regarding correction of a very rare breast/chest deformity called Poland Syndrome. He was otherwise a very healthy, athletic, prospective professional soccer player. No other member of his family had a similar disorder.

After a thorough clinical evaluation we found that his deformity is mild to moderate and that he is only missing a portion of the chest muscle (pectoral muscle). More severe forms of this deformity include a loss of the ribs with chest deformity, as well as deformity of the upper extremity. We discussed complex reconstructive breast procedure which will include transfer of a live muscle from his back to replace missing pectoral muscle.

His surgery was done in the hospital under general anesthesia. It involved the preparation and transfer of a powerful latissimus dorsa muscle from his back to the front; muscle was fixed to the ribs in the same position as a missing pectoral muscle to create symmetry with opposite site.

Patient is shown before surgery on the left; notice severe asymmetry between left and right breast/chest. On the right, the patient is shown 3 years after surgery; he was able to exercise and build transferred muscle to match the size of a contralateral muscle. He has a small scar in the right armpit, which is the only reminder of previous condition.

Age: 21
Gender: Male

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