• Liposuction


This patient had a breast lift done 6 months before. She was very satisfied with the result of breast surgery. However lifting and shaping of her breasts opened a cane of warms; she became aware of her abdomen and waist deformity (lipodystrophy) and wanted to have that “fixed”. She wanted reshaping of abdomen, flanks and back. She did not want any correction of her thighs.

Surgery was done in general anesthesia in our office based plastic surgery center In Fort Lauderdale. Using mechanical powered liposuction technique we removed 2.5 liters of pure fat from abdomen, flanks and back. Patient was released home 1 hour after surgery. Her postoperative course went uneventful. She was back to her normal activity in 7 days. Patient had a custom made compressive garment for 3 weeks after surgery to assist with recovery and control swelling.

Photos on the left demonstrate patient condition before body shaping with liposuction. Images on the right show patient 3 months after liposuction assisted contouring of abdomen and back.

Gender: Female