• Liposuction


This 28-year-old Australian presents to our Fort Lauderdale cosmetic surgery center requesting contouring of her abdomen and flanks.

Clinical evaluation demonstrated very mild lipodystrophy (fat deposits, fat accumulation) located in abdomen and flanks. We proposed conservative liposuction of these areas to further improve her otherwise proportional and athletic body.

Surgery was done in our AAAA accredited surgery center in general anesthesia. Very conservative fat removal (total of 550 ml of fat) was done using mechanical powered liposuction technique. Patient was discharged home 1 hour after surgery. She was placed in compressive garment for 3 weeks to avoid swelling and help with uneventful healing. A series of small 0.5 cm incisions in hidden areas and creases of groin, flanks and belly button were used to place suction cannulas.

Images on the left show patient with mild fat deposits in the abdomen and flanks. On the right patient is shown 6 months after liposuction of abdomen and love handles.

Age: 28
Gender: Female