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(954) 779-2777Category: Brazilian Butt Lift
Buttock Augmentation With Fat Graft Transfer-Brasilian Butt Lift-BBL
A 25-year-old patient visited our Fort Lauderdale office with a desire for body contouring of their buttocks, hips, abdomen, and lower back. They had recently lost 25 lbs. and were looking for further improvement in their body shape. After discussing the available options, we decided to proceed with a comprehensive procedure. This involved performing liposuction…
Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient initially wanted just liposuction of flanks, lower back and abdomen. It took us significant efforts to persuade her that addition of fat grafts for shaping and augmentation of hips and buttocks will create more impressive result. Liposuction of torso 360 followed with fat grafting to buttocks and hips was done in general anesthesia.…
Brazilian Butt Lift, Revision
This patient had BBL done 4 years ago by another plastic surgeon. Despite very nice overall result, she wanted revision by means of filling concavities of lateral buttocks/hips. She claims that these areas were fuller several months after surgery but in 1 year both areas lost volume. We discussed fat graft resorption as a cause…
BBL-Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient wanted moderate augmentation of buttocks and shaping her torso with liposuction. This procedure which combines liposuction of torso and/or any additional area to shape body and harvest fat grafts which are than used for buttock/hip shaping and augmentation is called Brazilian but lift. patient is shown before and 6 months after BBL. marketing…
Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL
This patient had BBL which included liposuction of torso (360) and inner thighs/knees followed with fat transfer to buttocks. Considering very limited volume of fat grafts we could harvest from her lean body (800 ml.), we were able to place only 400 ml. of fat per side, for buttock and hip augmentation. Before and 6…
BBL-Brazilian Butt Lift
This out of town patient requested moderate augmentation and shaping of her buttocks. Considering that she had minimal amount of fat available for transfer (BMI 21) we concentrated on augmentation of central and upper buttock to create visual effect of lift, fullness and projection. The underlying spine deformity was partially camouflaged with asymmetric augmentation. Patient…
BBL-Brazilian Butt Lift
This out of town patient came to have nose surgery and BBL. Aggressive liposuction of torso 360 (flanks, back, abdomen) generated fat grafts which were than used for augmentation of buttocks and hips, procedure that s known as Brazilian butt lift. Patient had rhinoplasty done in the same surgery. Before and 10 days after surgery…
BBL-Brazilian Butt Lift
This patent with BMI 29 came for body contouring by means of liposuction of torso 360 and shaping/augmentation of buttocks and hips with fat transfer, procedure that is popularly known as a Brazilian butt lift. Aggressive liposuction of abdomen, flanks and lower back was first step followed with fat grafting of buttocks and hips. Patient…
This patient underwent a typical mommy make-over procedure consisting of breast lift and aggressive liposuction of abdomen and back. As a part of her surgery we have placed around 600 ml. of fat grafts in her buttocks for shaping and enlargement. Patient is shown on the left before body contouring surgery of abdomen, flanks and…
Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL
This 21 year old patient wanted body contouring by means of liposuction of abdomen, flanks and lower back and fat augmentation/shaping of buttocks. Patient is shown before and 3 months after BBL. marketing