Gynecomastia Reduction Surgery

Gynecomastia Reduction Surgery


  • Male Breast Surgery – Gynecomastia


This patient, an amateur body builder, was using steroids (testosteron) in his early twenties to develop muscle mass and chiseled body for competition. However, he  developed enlargement of  the breast glands (more on right side), as a result of hormonal stimulation. Although he quit testosterones as soon as he observed this change, deformity would not go away. Finally, he decided to have it surgically removed. In two occasions before his surgery we discussed use of liposuction and direct gland removal to correct the bulk and asymmetry; patient was informed that external scar around lower pole of areola is needed to remove redundant gland tissue. It takes over 1 year in his age for scars like this to settle and mature; they usually turn into barely visible line along border of areola. Patient is shown before gynecomastia reduction surgery and 2 months after gynecomastia tissue removal. His scar is immature and visible but will improve in the course of coming months. Notice fine symmetry and complete absence of breast mass on both sides.


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Age: 28
Gender: Male

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