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Saying No to Turkey Gobblers
Truth be told, Thanksgiving is a time for family and giving thanks for all of life’s blessings… But when your neck closer resembles the dinner turkey, family reunions get a little less enjoyable. For years, neck lift surgery has been one of the most transformative surgeries a patient can do for their face. Creating a more attractive profile is on everyone’s holiday wish list – but why wait? Show off your true beauty and see how neck lift surgery could be just the procedure for you.
Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery are usually patients with skin and muscles that need to be tightened and/or removed. According to Dr. Potparic; a plastic surgeon in Fort Lauderdale,
correction of neck deformity by means of neck lift involves at least two components: removal of fat tissue on top of the neck muscles and rearrangement of neck muscles. In some patients that present with excess skin, additional skin removal may be required. Muscles will appear more prominent after the cushiony fatty tissue that was camouflaging these structures is eliminated. Neck lift surgery can take anywhere between 1.5-2.5 hours and typical neck lift scars are placed underneath the chin – and only if skin removal is mandatory, behind the ears. Neck lift surgery is typically done in local anesthesia or in combination of local and twilight anesthesia. Recovery is between 7-10 days; painless but associated with bruising.
Just say no to turkey gobblers! With a smooth, graceful neckline, you can portray a sense of refinement that serves to enhance a person’s overall appearance. Through neck contouring surgery, your most trusted plastic surgeon can help patients of any age achieve the naturally beautiful neckline you desire. Be a hit this holiday season and have people wondering where your double chin went! Pssst… We can keep a secret and you can indulge in a little more actual turkey this year. As your friends at Dr. Zoran Potparic Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, we can’t wait to see you!