• Liposuction

A 42-years-old cosmetic surgery patient from South Florida came to our Ft. Lauderdale office for a consult about body and neck contouring surgery.

After a thorough clinical evaluation we discussed liposuction of neck, abdomen and flanks and gynecomastia reduction surgery also by means of liposuction.

Surgery was done in general anesthesia in our outpatient plastic surgery center in Fort Lauderdale. It included liposuction of neck, breast (gynecomastia surgery), abdomen and flanks. Patient was discharged home after surgery. He had a custom made compressive garment for 3 weeks. He was back to work in 3 days.

Images on the left show patient before liposuction surgery; areas marked with a blue marker are those that will require the most aggressive liposuction. On the right patient is shown 4 months after body contouring surgery of abdomen, breasts and neck with liposuction.

Age: 42
Gender: Male