Should You Be Worried About Arm Lift Surgery Scars?

Should You Be Worried About Arm Lift Surgery Scars?

A woman with her arm outstreched showing the OK sign.

Should You Be Worried About Arm Lift Surgery Scars?

Deciding on which cosmetic surgery is the right choice for you can be a difficult road, with so many different procedures to consider and locations to weigh as well as the fear of scarring can all play a role. The Dr. Zoran Potparic Fort Lauderdale plastic surgery center team understands that these fears are very real and could prove to be huge in the final decision of whether or not to consider having your procedure done. The doctor not only provides the arm lift South Florida can rely on for results, but it is also transparent with potential patients about all aspects of plastic surgery in Fort Lauderdale. Here you will learn all about arm lift surgery scars, if you can get them, and how you can avoid them. 


Does Arm Lift Surgery Leave Scars?

As the team of the cosmetic surgeon who offers the arm lift procedure, it’s important to note that scarring is a potential side effect of the surgery. During the procedure, incisions are typically made on the underside of the arm, which can result in arm plastic surgery scars that run along the length of the upper arm. However, I always take care to place the incisions in discreet areas to minimize their visibility.

It’s worth noting that the extent of scarring can vary depending on factors such as skin type and healing ability. That being said, the team of professionals at our South Florida center for cosmetic surgery works closely with all of their patients to ensure that they have the information and resources needed to care for their incisions and promote optimal healing. Being in close contact with our patients is important for providing information that can reduce the likelihood of arm lift surgery scars and for follow-up meetings related to the success of their procedure. That being said, there are steps that the experts at our South Florida center for cosmetic surgery recommend being taken by our patients after their procedures to further avoid an arm surgery scar. 


How to Avoid Scars from Arm Lift Surgery

Healed arm lift surgery scars can become permanent if the proper precautions aren’t taken when you’re in the immediate aftermath of having had the procedure done and in the days or weeks in which you are recovering. As a cosmetic surgeon who offers arm lift procedures, Dr. Zoran Potparic understands that minimizing scarring is a priority for many patients. While it’s not possible to completely avoid scars from surgery, there are a variety of methods that our team recommends be undertaken to minimize the potential for arm lift surgery scars.

First and foremost, our team uses advanced surgical techniques and works with each patient to develop a customized treatment plan that considers their unique needs and goals. This can include carefully placing incisions in areas that are as discreet as possible, using suturing techniques that promote optimal healing, and providing detailed instructions on how to care for incisions both before and after the procedure.

In addition to the measures taken by our South Florida experts, it is recommended that in the immediate aftermath of the procedure, patients avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, which can inhibit the healing process and increase the risk of scarring. This can make a huge difference in the recovery process. Be sure to also avoid physical activity and maintain your incision areas clean and dry. 

Overall, the goal of our team is to help each patient achieve the best possible results from their arm lift procedure in Fort Lauderdale while minimizing scarring and promoting optimal healing. By using the latest surgical techniques and providing comprehensive pre-and post-operative care, we can achieve exceptional results for the patients who walk through our doors.


The Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgery You Can Rely On!

If you’re interested in getting a procedure that will be conducted in a way that minimizes the possibility of arm lift surgery scars, then be sure to always consider Dr. Zoran Potparic and his team for the job. Our experts have years of experience in providing patients with amazing results, just look at our online cosmetic surgery gallery and see for yourself. Get in touch with our experts if you’re ready to make the looks you’ve always dreamed of a reality. Are you interested in reading more insights into the world of plastic surgery from a team that has specialized in the field for years? If so, be sure to take a look at our Fort Lauderdale plastic surgery blogs for an expert look into all things cosmetic surgery in South Florida. 


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