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(954) 779-2777Category: Body Fat Grafts
Buttock Augmentation With Fat Graft Transfer-Brasilian Butt Lift-BBL
A 25-year-old patient visited our Fort Lauderdale office with a desire for body contouring of their buttocks, hips, abdomen, and lower back. They had recently lost 25 lbs. and were looking for further improvement in their body shape. After discussing the available options, we decided to proceed with a comprehensive procedure. This involved performing liposuction…
Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient initially wanted just liposuction of flanks, lower back and abdomen. It took us significant efforts to persuade her that addition of fat grafts for shaping and augmentation of hips and buttocks will create more impressive result. Liposuction of torso 360 followed with fat grafting to buttocks and hips was done in general anesthesia.…
Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL
This patient had BBL as a part of mommy make over surgery which included liposuction of torso 360, fat transfer to buttocks, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and breast lift. Fat transferred was achieved with 500 ml. of fat grafts to each buttock/hip since patient wanted mild/moderate enhancement. Before and 8 months after BBL photos are presented.…
Breast fat grafting-chest and breast deformity correction with fat grafts
This middle age man had chest deformity since birth. An attempt of correct that with custom made implant failed. We performed fat transfer by means of fat grafting. Deformity was corrected in a single stage. Before and 1.5 years after fat graft transfer for correction of chest deformity. marketing
Mommy Make Over
This patient had “gel” injected in her breasts 15 years ago. She complained of saggy, uneven, lumpy breasts, loose abdominal skin, irregularities after liposuction she had 3 years ago, small, flat buttocks and wide hips. After thorough evaluation we decided to do her mommy make over in two stages. First we performed liposuction of abdomen…
Mommy Make Over
This patient come to us requesting body make over for her 50th birthday. She wanted breast lift with small augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction and fat transfer for shaping and augmentation of buttocks. Her surgery was done in general anesthesia in our plastic surgery center, on outpatient basis. Breast lift and augmentation with 300 ml silicone…
Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty
This patient had multiple procedures done in two separate surgeries including abdominoplasty-tummy tuck with liposuction. before and after photos (3 moths) are shown. marketing
Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient had multiple procedures including liposuction of torso and fat transfer for shaping and augmentation of buttocks. Before and 5 months after photos are shown. marketing
Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL
This patient had first part of body contouring surgery done by means of liposuction of abdomen, flanks and lower back, followed with fat transfer for augmentation and shaping of flat, poorly projected buttocks. before and after 4 months photos are presented. marketing
BBL-Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient wanted moderate augmentation of buttocks and shaping her torso with liposuction. This procedure which combines liposuction of torso and/or any additional area to shape body and harvest fat grafts which are than used for buttock/hip shaping and augmentation is called Brazilian but lift. patient is shown before and 6 months after BBL. marketing…