This 47-year-old patient from Fort Lauderdale was scheduled to have simple mastectomy for treatment of right breast cancer. She came to us to discuss options of breast reconstruction with her own tissue to avoid implant reconstruction. After detailed clinical evaluation and consultation with breast oncologist and breast surgeon we decided to perform immediate right breast…

Breast fat grafts

This patient came for liposuction of abdomen and flanks. He also wanted correction of mild deformity of left chest/breast. We performed liposuction and collected some of his fat; this fat (graft) was than processed and injected with cannula in the lower pole of left breast/chest. Patient is shown before and 3 months after fat transfer.…

Breasts fat grafting

This patient had reconstruction of tuberous breasts with two series of fat grafting elsewhere. She came to us for reduction of large, still protruding areola and mild volume/shape deformity.  Unfortunately, we do not have her photos before reconstruction of original tuberous breasts. She is shown before and after additional fat grafting (stage 3). marketing

Breast fat grafts

This patient had very thin breast skin envelope due to many years of stretching with large implants. She had so low BMI that we had to harvest fat from multiple sites; approximately 200 ml of fat was injected in each breast to make skin envelope thicker and correct visible irregularities. Patient is shown before and…


This 36 years-old male had gynecomastia related surgery in the past. He came to our Fort Lauderdale plastic surgery office for consultant regarding correction of postoperative scar deformity. After detailed clinical evaluation we discussed scar revision and correction of deformity with fat grafts. Surgery was performed in twilight anesthesia in our office surgery center in…