Breast reduction

This patient wanted reduction of the breast size from 36DD to 36C/B. Breast reduction was done in general anesthesia; using liposuction we were able to remove 300 ml. of fat from each breast; addionally around 150 gr. of tissue from each side was removed. patient current bra size is 36 C. Photos before and 6…

Breast reduction

This patient had breast reduction in her adolescence and her breasts continued to grow.  Her bra size was 40 3D. She decided to have another breast reduction 27 years later. Before and 6 months after breast reduction. Most of breast tissue reduction is done with liposuction which contributes to faster recovery and less blood loss.…

Breast reduction

This patient already had breast reduction 14 years ago. She wanted further reduction from bra cup size 40F to 40D or DD. Breast reduction and lift were done using mostly liposuction, since breast tissue in this age has 80-90% of fat content. Small amount of breast tissue and skin (per vertical, lollipop design) was also…

Breast Reduction

This young women had problem with her gigantic breasts since her early adolescence. Her bra size was 42 H. After aggressive breast tissue reduction, which was in significant part done using liposuction, we removed approximately 1200 ml. of fat aspirate and 550 gr. of tissue from each side. She is shown before and few months…

Breast Reduction

This patient wanted her breast size reduced for 1 cup size and 15 years old silicone gel implants replaced with smaller implants. Breast reduction was done using liposuction, since in this age most of breast tissue is a fat tissue. After breast reduction part, 450 ml old gel implants were replaced with 350 ml gel…


This 54-year-old plastic surgery patient from Boca Raton came to our plastic surgery center in Fort Lauderdale for  consultation regarding breast lift. She also wanted a correction of small asymmetry; her left breast was slightly larger and more ptotic then right breast. Left areola was larger. After the clinical evaluation, we discussed breast lift on the…

Breast reduction

This patient came requesting breast reduction. Her bra size was 40 G and she wanted D cup. Surgery was performed using liposuction to reduce most of  the breast tissue (considering that breasts have 70-90% fat tissue). We removed 1100 ml of fat from each breast and additionally excised 250 gr of tissue from lower poles…

Mommy Make Over

This 45 years old patient wanted some improvement after 3 pregnancies and weight gain. After thorough discussion about her options we decided to do body contouring surgery by means of liposuction of abdomen/ flanks and breast lift/reduction. Before and 3 moths after surgery photos are presented. marketing


This 23-year-old IT professional had problem with large breast since her early teen years. A year ago she consulted plastic surgeon in Palm Beach regarding breast reduction surgery. She was given advice by an experienced plastic surgeon that the safest technique for breast reduction of such a large breasts (gigantomastia, macromastia) is “free nipple reduction…

Breast Asymmetry

Moderate breast asymmetry in this patient was corrected with asymmetric breast reduction (mostly using liposuction) followed with breast lift and thightening of skin envelope by means of vertical breast lift. Before and after photos. marketing