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(954) 779-2777Category: Buttock lift

PROCEDURES PERFORMED Body Fat Grafts Lower Body Lift Buttock Lift BUTTOCK LIFT W/ FAT GRAFTS A 56-year-old out of country cosmetic surgery patient presented in our cosmetic surgery office in Ft. Lauderdale for consultation regarding body contouring surgery. She claimed “ I never had much of a butt; it was always flat but now it…
Buttock lift- as a part of lower body (circumferential) body lift
Patient had a circumferential body lift, which included thighs and buttock lift, in a single surgery. Before and after buttock lift part is demonstrated on these photos. marketing

PROCEDURES PERFORMED Buttock Lift BUTTOCK LIFT This 43-year-old cosmetic patient from Boca Raton presents to our office for a consult regarding her buttocks; they are flat and saggy in her opinion. She wanted to know whether her butt could be lifted and enlarged without using silicone implants. After clinical evaluation was completed we discussed…
Buttock lift- BBL is not a true lift but.....
This patient had a Brazilian buttock lift; shaping of flanks and abdomen with aggressive liposuction and augmentation of mostly upper half of buttocks and hips with fat grafts. Although this is not true lifting, a combination of aggressive liposuction of flanks and areas above buttocks and augmentation of upper buttocks create visual illusion of lift.…
Buttock lift- is BBL a true lift?
This patient had a Brazilian butt lift, which is not a real lift. However, when liposuction of lower back and area above buttock deepens the angle between flanks and buttock and fat grafting increases projection of upper portion of buttocks, illusion of significant butt lift is created. Before and immediate (7 days) after surgery photos…
Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL
This patient had BBL which included liposuction of torso (360) and inner thighs/knees followed with fat transfer to buttocks. Considering very limited volume of fat grafts we could harvest from her lean body (800 ml.), we were able to place only 400 ml. of fat per side, for buttock and hip augmentation. Before and 6…