Face and neck lift, male

Fifty eight years old male came for facial rejuvenation; his major complain was full, heavy neck and loss of jawline. We  discused neck lift vs. lower face and neck lift which gives better exposure for jawline shaping and platysma muscle management. Lower face and neck lift was done in twilight anesthesia, recovery time was 10-12…

Face and Neck Lift

This patient came to our office for consultation about facial rejuvenation. She wanted improvement of her heavy neck, jawline and jowls, in particular. After detailed evaluation and discussion about available options, we decided to proceed with face and neck lift. Surgery was done in twilight anesthesia and lasted proximally 3 hours. Recovery was without complications;…

Secondary face lift

This patient had her first face lift 7 years ago at age 62. She wanted “some refreshment” and for that reason we performed second (secondary) lower face and neck lift and placed moderate amount of micro-fat and nano- fat grafts over her cheeks, around eyes and mouth. Patient is shown before second face/neck lift and…

Face and neck lift

This out of town patient wanted improvement of the neck and jawline. We decided to do face and neck lift (SMAS) in twilight anesthesia. patient is shown before and 10 months after face and neck lift. marketing tandem.buzz

Face and neck lift

This 50 year old patient wanted “small rejuvenation” for her 50th birthday. In twilight anesthesia we performed SMAS based face and neck lift and peri-orbital (cheeks, around eyes) fat grafting. Patient is shown before and 6 months after surgery. marketing tandem.buzz


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PROCEDURES PERFORMED Face Lift and Neck Lift FACE LIFT AND NECK LIFT A 50-year-old plastic surgery patient from Broward County came to our office for a consultation regarding facial rejuvenation surgery. She wanted “some improvement in face and neck area but nothing that would be obvious”. Preoperative evaluation in our cosmetic surgery center in Ft. Lauderdale demonstrated early…


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PROCEDURES PERFORMED Face Lift and Neck Lift Facial Fat Grafts FACE LIFT AND NECK LIFT This 64-year-old out of town patient came to our office for consultation regarding facial rejuvenation. She wanted mild improvement of the neck and face and elevation (lift) of the brows. After clinical evaluation was completed, we discussed face and neck lift with…


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PROCEDURES PERFORMED Face Lift and Neck Lift FACE LIFT This 52 year-old professional woman from Boca Raton wanted rejuvenation of her face, neck and eyes. She complained that her face and her eyes  looked tired which was quite opposite to her vivacious personality. After detailed clinical evaluation of her face, neck and eyes we decided to do…