Facial, periorbital fat grafting

Patient is 35 years old female who came tyo us with desire to have cheek augmentation with fat grafts. She wanted fuller, Asial looking cheeks and improvement along lower eyelids-cheeks, to erase darker looking skin and mild tear troughs; she also wanted fuller lateral brows. In local anesthesia we harvested 35-40 ml of fat from…

Face and neck lift, male

Fifty eight years old male came for facial rejuvenation; his major complain was full, heavy neck and loss of jawline. We  discused neck lift vs. lower face and neck lift which gives better exposure for jawline shaping and platysma muscle management. Lower face and neck lift was done in twilight anesthesia, recovery time was 10-12…

Face and Neck Lift

This patient came to our office for consultation about facial rejuvenation. She wanted improvement of her heavy neck, jawline and jowls, in particular. After detailed evaluation and discussion about available options, we decided to proceed with face and neck lift. Surgery was done in twilight anesthesia and lasted proximally 3 hours. Recovery was without complications;…

Chin augmentation with implant

Patient complained of weak chin and poor profile. Initially she wanted only chin augmentation. However, after thorough analysis of her face and neck, we concluded that improvement of the neck and jawline by means of liposuction and neck lift would further benefit chin augmentation. Surgery was done in deep sedation anesthesia (twilight) and involved neck/jawline…

Neck lift

This 30 year old patient wanted improvement of her profile. Her major complain was small, retruded chin. After thorough facial analysis we discussed need to address the neck as well. Small chin and low insertion of neck muscles have created obtuse neck; there was no definition of her jawline, as well. After extensive discussion we…


Patient wanted improvement of her tired eyes and flat cheeks. Together with lower and upper eyelid surgery we injected small amount of fat grafts (6 ml.) to each cheek and along lower eyelid cheek junction. This procedure provided stable result of cheek augmentation (about 30% of injected volume is retained after 2 years) and softened…


Patient wanted improvement of her tired eyes and forehead correction. We decided to do upper end lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) combined with open, hairline brow lift and cheek augmentation with fat grafting. Before and 2.5 years after surgery photos are presented. marketing tandem.buzz