This patient, mother of three, wanted mammy makeover surgery 3 years after giving birth to her third child. She wanted breast lift with augmentation as well as shaping of the saggy abdomen and contouring of the flanks. In general anesthesia we performed first breast augmentation with high profile silicone gel implants followed with vertical breast…


This patient had multiple procedures done in the same surgery; breast lift and augmentation with 300 ml silicone implants, liposuction, tummy tuck and BBL. She is shown before and after breast lift/augmentation with 300 ml. silicone, high profile implants. marketing


A 43-year-old Cuban patient from South Florida came to our office for a consult about body contouring. She had 2 pregnancies in the past. Patient had breast reduction surgery in Cuba about 20 years ago. She wanted a correction of her full and saggy abdomen and further reduction and lift of the breasts. After the…


A 27-year-old Miami patient came to our office for consultation about mommy make over surgery. She had one pregnancy 6 years ago and gained about 40 lbs. during that period. She finally reached the weight that she can easily maintain. Now she is looking for improvement of saggy breasts, loose abdomen and back skin, and…

Mommy Make Over

This patient had “gel” injected in her breasts 15 years ago. She complained of saggy, uneven, lumpy breasts, loose abdominal skin, irregularities after liposuction she had 3 years ago, small, flat buttocks and wide hips. After thorough evaluation we decided to do her mommy make over in two stages. First we performed liposuction of abdomen…


This 31-year-old woman, a cosmetic patient from Miami came to our Ft. Lauderdale plastic surgery office requesting a mommy makeover surgery. She had two pregnancies, and wanted an improvement of her breasts, abdomen and buttocks. Surgery was done under general anesthesia in our Fort Lauderdale plastic surgery center. It included a breast lift and augmentation,…

Mommy Make Over

This 45 years old patient wanted some improvement after 3 pregnancies and weight gain. After thorough discussion about her options we decided to do body contouring surgery by means of liposuction of abdomen/ flanks and breast lift/reduction. Before and 3 moths after surgery photos are presented. marketing


before female body contouring MOMMY MAKEOVER CASE 174

  PROCEDURES PERFORMED Body Contouring Liposuction Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty MOMMY MAKEOVER CASE #174 This out-of-town plastic surgery patient came to our office requesting correction of saggy abdomen and heavy back deformity. She also wanted to know whether we could enlarge and shape her buttocks using her own fat. Clinical evaluation in our Fort Lauderdale…


PROCEDURES PERFORMED Mommy Makeover MOMMY MAKEOVER A 28-year-old plastic surgery patient from South Miami came to our Fort Lauderdale office for a consult regarding body contouring surgery after multiple pregnancies (mommy make-over). She wanted correction of her protruding abdomen, saggy breasts and enlargement of the buttocks. A clinical evaluation demonstrated typical signs of recent multiple…