Rhinoplasty and Neck Liposuction

Patient wanted neck contour improvement together with nose surgery, in order to achieve more harmonious profile and facial balance. Liposuction of the neck, neck lipectomy, was done with a small 2.5 mm cannula to remove deposits of fat underneath the chin and along the jawline. Photos before and 1.5 years after neck liposuction are shown.…


This 25 year old patient was not satisfied with shape/size of her nose; she also had mild difficulties breathing.  In general anesthesia we performed correction of the deviated septum (septoplasty) and correction of the nose shape/size by means of open rhinoplasty. Patient is presented before and 14 months after open septorhinoplasty, which corrected both functional…

Rhinoplasty, preservation rhinoplasty

This young patient presented with narrow nose, difficulties with breathing (no history of trauma) and large hump; patient wanted both aesthetic and functional (breathing improvement). He was selected to have external rhinoplasty with preservation of dorsum cartilages and without lateral nasal bone osteotomies (cutting). Septoplasty, to correct septal deviation and turbinate obstruction with out-fracturing, was…

Rhinoplasty- nose surgery

Patient wanted correction of the nose, rhinoplasty, in order to achieve softer, more feminine nose. Surgery was done in general anesthesia by means of open, external rhinoplasty. Before and 3 years after rhinoplasty photos are presented. marketing tandem.buzz

Rhinoplasty, ethnic nose surgery

This patient wanted to preserve ethnic features of her nose but did not like bulk and thickness of the tip and dorsum (bridge) of the nose. Open rhinoplasty was used to trim and refine tip cartilages, narrow the nose width, improve nose base and altogether refine and balance  the nose and create facial harmony and…


before female facial fat graft RHINOPLASTY - NOSE SURGERY 61

  PROCEDURES PERFORMED Rhinoplasty – Nose Surgery Facial Fat Grafts Fat Grafting RHINOPLASTY – NOSE SURGERY This 27 year-old patient from New Zealand presented in our office to see whether we can improve her profile with nose surgery. She was not satisfied with appearance of nose hump and she considered her nose to be too…



  PROCEDURES PERFORMED Rhinoplasty – Nose Surgery RHINOPLASTY – NOSE SURGERY An 18-year-old Boca Raton cosmetic surgery patient came to our office for consultation about nose surgery. She was mostly concerned of a “heavy tip of the nose” and small hump. She wanted her nose to be “more delicate”. On clinical presentation in our cosmetic surgery center in…


before male nose corrective surgery RHINOPLASTY 402

  PROCEDURES PERFORMED Rhinoplasty – Nose Surgery Corrective Nose Surgery RHINOPLASTY This patient is a 30-year-old male, who came into the office requesting rhinoplasty. He had a significant cartilaginous hump and a short nose to the tip, known as a parrot deformity. The “open” approach was used in reshaping the nasal tip. For this case,…